This International Women’s Day follow these dos and don’ts for a healthy skin

What women got to do for shiny skin and to seem younger!

“Beauty is power, a smile is its sword” was phrased by John Ray, the 17th-century naturalist. And what’s better than shining bright with the blessing of eternal youth.

As the world is celebrating International Women’s Day, we bring you some dos and don’ts to outshine everybody with brighter and healthier skin.

Deputy Editor Manogya Loiwal spoke to globally acclaimed Senior Consultant Dermatologist Dr. Abhishek De who has worked and shared thoughts in several hospitals and universities in various countries. We offer you more on this!


1. Eat green to remain evergreen:

Only a healthy body can have beautiful skin and an important prerequisite for a healthy body is healthy eating habits. Confirm your diet has many salads, fresh veggies, and fruits. The more colorful your plate, the more shine on your skin.

2. Water is your Elixir:

Water detoxifies your body like nothing else. A hydrated body is mandatory to stay your cells fresh and keep you youthful for several years to return.

3. Surgical Strike:

This is required on hidden UV rays with day long sun protection. We age in two ways. One is chronological aging which is genetically programmed and other part is Photo aging.
So if you employ good quality broad spectrum sunscreen it helps in slowing down your aging process. But remember its not only you’re call at the sun. You got to apply sunscreen even in your home.
So apply sunscreen a minimum of 3 times daily and say no to brown spots.

4. The three minute Rule to Moisturize:

Pamper your skin and nurture your love quotient. Use of moisturiser is important especially for people with dry and sensitive skin. consistent with the 3-minute-rule, moisturisers should be applied within three minutes of bathing or coming in touch wit water. So keep your moisturiser in washroom.
For face use a non comedogenic moisturiser.

5. Clean and Cleanse :

A Syndet cleanser gives you the additional oomph on your dates. Syndet cleansers don’t have alkaline soap inside it and are gentle on your skin.

6. Sexy and Slim :

Yoga keeps you slim and sexy. Don’t forget your daily dose of exercise. Cycling, swimming, jogging, skipping, gymming, Zumba, Yoga anything will do! And if you mix them during a week, it serves you better.

7. Smile and Shine :

Happiness releases good hormones. So don’t forget to seek out your daily dose of laughter. Find a while for your bestie, to share that joke over a cup of coffee.
Stress kills; Start your day with quarter-hour of meditation or relaxation exercises.

8. Rejuvenate with Retinol

It is well proven that retinol based night cream can hamper the aging process. However, do remember that these creams should be strictly avoided if you’re considering pregnancy or blood donation.

9. look after your Hair :
Most common causes of hair loss in female are bad hormones, poor lifestyle, iron deficiency and excessive styling procedures. So if you’re facing continuous hair loss or hair thinning, book a meeting with a dermatologist.


1. Don’t awaken together with your structure :

Even if you’re feeling damn tired after the late-night party, don’t forget to require your structure off with a mild cleanser or a makeup remover.

2. Say no to excuses, say yes to exercise :

Daily 40 minutes exercise is mandatory. It’s preferable to start out your day with exercise, but just in case you miss it, you’ll squeeze in a while for a jog or yoga.

3. CTM (Cleanse, Tone, and Moisturise) are often counterproductive:

Unlike your stylist keeps you telling, a rigorous CTM regime is unscientific and may actually harm you. Use a gentle cleanser if it’s necessary to get rid of your dirt from your face or structure. Excessive use of toners can cause patchy dryness and may kickstart the aging process. the quantity of moisturizer required depends on your skin type and seasonal changes. Winters may require an additional coat of moisturizer but you’ll give your moisturizer a miss on some hot humid days during summer.

4. Social platform isn’t always correct:

Don’t trust Google and YouTube suggestions blindly. lately, many of our patients do crazy stuff, applying and buying all kinds of products suggested by unknown bloggers from Google or YouTube.

You have to know most of those are hoaxes and aren’t professionals. If you’ve got a drag, go and fix it together with your dermatologist. Trusting these videos and blogs can actually complicate your problem and mislead you.

5.Think before you drink :

Excessive alcohol can badly affect your skin appearance, quality and fasten aging.

6. Smoking is injurious to the skin :

It is scientifically well documented that smokers age faster! So if you begin noticing skin problems, maybe is time to reconsider your choices.

7. Don’t miss your sleep :

Regular sleeping habits help in building good hormones for your body.

8. Digital Detox :

It’s suggested that spending long hours with digital devices including mobile phones and laptops can adversely affect your weave hair skin. So you ought to control your screen time and also attempt to use the devices in less bright mode.

Published by Weave hair

I'm Elisa vincent. Fashion & beauty Blogger. I Loved to write always New and Treading Tips or information related to Fashion Industry , hair Industry, beauty

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